Friendly Advice
  • You are not logged in.  Events submitted now will not go-live until they have been reviewed.
  • To be clear, this is not where you add your campaign.  Please add your group in the Group Finder, then add your campaign description to it.
  • Events should include tabletop gaming activities. 
    Examples:  Board & Card, Larp, RPGs, Wargaming. 
    Not accepted:  Gambling, sports and mmorpg events.
  • Verify your event isn't already listed, search for it on the Conventions Page.
  • Double check for errors immediately after creating or updating. 
  • If you Submit and don't immediately see your event's page, it means you didn't fill-in the form correctly, missed required fields or were not logged in.
  • Popular games or other functions that occur at Conventions or Tournaments should be included in the description.
  • Local (Small Scale Events) have limited seats or interest.  Examples:  Miniature painting classes at your local game store, boardgame night at your local college bookstore.
  • Email Contacts now accept more than one address.  Add a comma between each email addresses.
  • The data here is used to convince search engines your conventions & events are important.  Be as complete as possible.
Create New Event (Conventions, Game Events, Classes)
Event names are required.  Examples are Gencon 2020, National Game Day, Miniature Painting Class, My Games at a Convention.
Web Url's are Preferred.  Please put a website address here when possible.  Conventions without a url will probably be deleted.
Optional but highly recommended.  Use either a contact from this event or your own.  We notify them when the their event has been added & or is updated.  If you add more than one email address, separate them with a comma.  Email addresses are not shared with users.
Dates are required.
If this event is only for a few people locally, then it is probably Local Only.  Please read the notes on this topic in Useful Information - Topics above this form. 
Postal codes are required.  Use the store, hotel or location's postal code where this event or convention will be held.  If you leave this blank, your own postal code will be used.  Remember to use the guidelines on Postal Codes from your Gamer Profile.
Tantalize the readers with interesting details.  This text editor is a Markdown Editor.  It does not accept html or bbcode.  This is a required field.

When available, add the direct url to the event's activity schedule.  If there are multiple types of schedules, use a url to games instead of other types of activities.  If you have a gaming schedule on Tabletop.Events or Warhorn, please add it here.

Find Gamers will automagically post messages about this Event to Twitter (@Find_Gamers) You don't need to have an account.  The message will link back to your Event page here.  You can click the button to turn off social media sharing. 
Event names will be turned into #HashTags unless they are more than 30 characters in length.  There is more information in the FAQ section.
Remember to Like and Retweet our messages to maximize exposure of your Event. 
You are not logged in.  Events submitted now will not go-live until they have been reviewed.