Online Gamers Player Finder

Below are Find Gamers members who want be contacted about online gaming opportunities.  They are sorted by last log-in.  This means that users most recently interested in being contacted tend to be are listed near the top.  So the more often you log in, the higher your name will be on the list. 

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In this search:   Roleplaying   Wargaming   25  per page

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Divinenarwhal's generic avatar
Divinenarwhal (GMT: not specified)
couple/married online
RPG Systems Call of Cthulhu, Dungeons & Dragons 4E, Dungeons & Dragons 5E, Star Trek
RPG Genres Comedy, Covert Ops, Espionage, Fantasy, High Fantasy, Historical (Alternate), Historical / Period, Horror, Humor / Satire, Retro / Old School, Sci-Fi, Steampunk, Western
War Genres Alternate History, Fantasy, Middle Ages

I enjoy board games of all kinds. I have some experiencing playing very casual DnD and have DM'ed a handful of small casual campaigns. But it's been a while! I've also enjoyed playing a Star Trek rpg in the past. I prefer a very relaxed and laid-back gaming experience. It's been a while since I've played DnD, so I would possibly need rule reminders and refreshers, and maybe some guidance in the beginning. Husband has never played DnD, but is very interested in learning. rnrnHusband and I have a rotating schedule, so we're pretty flexible for days.

Gamestyle Preferences


5 of 5


4 of 5


5 of 5


4 of 5

Story driven

4 of 5

Casual gamer

5 of 5

Unselected preferences will not appear. These terms are defined in the FAQ under Edit My Profile, "What do the RPG Gamestyle Preferences in my profile mean?"

Wargame Preferences

Only preferences specifically selected will appear.

Only preferences specifically selected will appear.  Short games are less than 1 Hour in length.  Medium games run up from 1 to 3 Hours.  Long games would be 3 to 5 Hours.  Very Long would be 5+ Hours.  Play by Post refers to Play By Mail, Email, Forum et cetera.